This privacy policy is provided by Findit. We are committed to protect your privacy. You can learn from this privacy policy that how we may collect, use, share your information when you use the Software and Services. And regarding your information, we declare the rights and options available to you .If you do not agree to the terms and conditions in our privacy policy, you can stop to use the Software & Services.

We regularly examine and update the privacy policy, so you can check our latest privacy policy in time.

Information We Collect and Use

As you use the Software and Services, we may collect and store the following type of information:

  1. Technical Information

For improving and customizing the Software and Services, we collect certain technical information of your device, including without limitation: the type, name and version of your operating system and other software, ISP (Internet Service Provider), GPS (Global Position System), IP (Internet Protocol) address, identifier for anonymous users, device configuration and identifiers, ID for advertiser (Identifier for Advertisers used in Android, etc.), and the setting of Software and Services.

  1. Usage and Social Networks Information

For providing you personalized content and services, including through the delivery of targeted interest-based advertisements from us or our partners; and improving the quality and operation of the Software and Services, we collect certain information regarding your use and interaction of your device, including the Software and Services and other software. Such as when and how you use the internet browser and internet search of applications, how you view and use the offerings and advertisements, and response to them. Your interactions on social networks through the Software and Services.

  1. Registration and Support Related Information (If Applicable)

To notify you of the Software and Services updates, we may collect the Information that you provide when you register the software and services; such as your name, telephone numbers, e-mail address. To provide you with support and handle your complaints or feedback, we also collect the information if you communicate with us by e-mail or our support section, such as your name, e-mail address and any information submitted by you.

When you use the Software and Services, we automatically generate an anonymous internal user ID (which does not personally identify you), which is assigned to your use of the Software and Services (the "User ID") and may be combined with any of the above information.

We have no intention to collect any personal identification information("PII"),except the registration and user support specified in the privacy policy, but there may be errors during the process of collection of data, which may contain PII. We will regularly check and update and timely identify and remove unwanted information of software and services collected unintentionally.

Information We Share with Third Parties

We may share information with the third party under the following circumstances:

  1. We are required by laws to disclose your information.

  2. The team experiences the combination, acquisition, change of control power of other companies and other business transition.

  3. We may share your information with certain third-party companies, such as advertising platform, and we will require such third parties to (i) guarantee the security of data, (ii) never use the data for the purpose other than providing services to us, and (iii) use the data only according to the privacy policy.

In any case other than the above, without your prior consent,we will not share your personal identity information with the third party.

Content of Third Parties

While using the software and services, certain third parties may enable you to provide content to them, in the form of gadgets, buttons, websites, advertising links etc. We consider it as third-party contents and services, which are subject to their privacy policies. We would not review and guarantee such third-party contents and services. Before you using or accessing such third-party contents and services, we recommend that you read the terms or conditions of their privacy policies. You shall be aware of using them and expressly relieve us from any and all liability arising from your use of such Third Party Content and Services.